American Forts: East


Camp Allen | Camp Anderson (1) | Camp Anderson (2) | Fort Atkinson | Fort Azatlan
Camp Battelle | Fort Beane | Fort Boyd | Camp Bridgeland | Brouillett's Post | Camp Bullock
Burnside Barracks | Camp Burnside | Camp Carrington | Cedar Lake Fort | Cicott's Fort
Cicott's Post | Camp Colfax | Fort Conner (1) | J. Conner's Post (3) | W. Conner's Post
Fort Donaldson | Door Prairie Fort | Durett's Post | Camp Floyd | Camp Fremont
Gamelin's Post | Fort Gill | Godfroy's Post | Camp Greencastle | Half-Way Fort
Camp Harrison (1) | Camp Harrison (2) | Fort (William H.) Harrison | Fort Benjamin Harrison
Holden's and Ingles' Blockhouse | Camp Holloway | Camp Holt (2) | Camp Hughes
Indianapolis Arsenal | Indianapolis Camp | Camp Jackson | Kekionga Post | Camp Kimball
LaBalme's Fort | Camp Lafayette | Lasselle's Post | Ledgerwood Blockhouse | Camp Linsay
Fort Lisman | Camp Logan (1) | Camp McClellan | Fort Miami | Fort Miamis | Camp Mitchell
Camp Morris (2) | Camp Morton | Camp Mount | Camp Murray | Camp Noble (2)
Camp Oak Glen | Camp Orth | Fort Ouiatenon | Pahlonswah's Post | Petit Fort | Camp Pettit
Camp Reynolds (1) | Camp Reynolds (2) | Camp Robinson | Camp Rose | Camp Ross (1)
Camp Rushville | Fort St. Philippe | Camp Sample | Camp Shanks | Smith's Fort
South Bend Fort | Camp Stilwell (1) | Camp Stilwell (2) | Stockade Fort | Camp Streight
Camp Sullivan | Fort Tassinong | Camp Taylor | Thorntown Post | Tierman's Fort | Tippecanoe
Camp Tippecanoe | Fort Turman | Turman's Fort | Camp Vajen | Camp Valparaiso
Camp Vigo | Camp Wabash | Camp Wayne (1) | Camp Wayne (2) | Fort Wayne | Camp Wood

Southern Indiana - page 2

Last Update: 27/OCTOBER/2010
Compiled by Pete Payette - ©2010 American Forts Network

Petit Fort
(Indiana Dunes State Park)
(1753 - 1779), Dune Acres
A French fur trade outpost located near the mouth of Fort Creek. Taken over by the British sometime after 1760, and evacuated in 1779. A small battle occurred near here in December 1780.

Fort Tassinong
(1673 - unknown), Kouts
A French trading post at the Potawatomi Indian village of Tassinong.

Door Prairie Fort
(1832), Door Village
A settlers' or local militia fort located in Door Prairie during the Black Hawk War.

South Bend Fort
(1832), South Bend
A settlers' or local militia fort during the Black Hawk War. Site located at the Century Center convention center at 120 South St. Joseph Street.

Fort Beane
(1832), Goshen
A settlers' town fort during the Black Hawk War, it was never completed. Marker located at Reynolds Street and US 33, near Goshen High School.
(thanks to Dave Zollinger for correct location)

Cedar Lake Fort
(1832), Cedar Lake
A settlers' fort located on an island in Cedar Lake during the Black Hawk War. Located northeast of Howe.

Fort Donaldson
(1832), Brighton
A settlers' or local militia fort during the Black Hawk War, built on the land of George Donaldson. The settlement was originally named Lexington at the time. See also 1882 History of Greenfield Township at

LaBalme's Fort
(1780), near Collins
A temporary Patriot-allied French post on the Eel River, manned by militiamen from Kaskaskia led by Col. August Mottin de la Balme. Attacked by British-allied Miami Indians in November 1780 after the Miamitown raid.

Fort Miamis
(1712 - 1763, 1778 - 1785), Fort Wayne
Location of the first white settlement (1686) in Indiana. The French under Jean Baptiste Bissot, sieur de Vincennes, built a fortified trading post in 1704. In 1712 they built a new post (aka Fort St. Philippe) on the east bank of the St. Mary's River (at the present-day Sherman Ave. Bridge). Rebuilt in 1722. It was burned by British-allied Huron Indians in (June ?) 1747, then was rebuilt in 1750 at a new site on the east bank of the St. Joseph River at Delaware Ave. and St. Joseph Blvd., near the Miami Indian village of Kekionga. Attacked again in 1752. The British gained control in 1760. It was burned by Pontiac in 1763, but regained by the British in 1765 for only a short while, however the fort itself was never rebuilt. A marker is at the second site along the St. Joseph River. Also spelled Miami in some sources.

The British later established a trading and supply post within the village of Kekionga (aka Miamitown) in October 1778, which was attacked by Patriot-allied French raiders from Kaskaskia in November 1780 (LaBalme's Raid). There was no fort here at that time.

Fort Wayne
(Historic Old Fort Wayne)
(1794 - 1819), Fort Wayne FORT WIKI
A Federal fort located on the St. Mary's River, nearly across from the second Fort Miami site on the St. Joseph River. The original four-gun bastioned earthwork with barracks was located at present-day Clay and Berry Streets, with a separate blockhouse by the river bank. Rebuilt in 1800 adjacent to the original work as a stockade fort enclosing several buildings, with a blockhouse in the center of the north wall and blockhouses at the southern corners. The post became part of the Federal "Factory system" of Indian trading posts from July 1802 - 1812, with the Miami Indian Agency (outside the fort proper), also serving the Shawnee and Potawatomi and other local tribes. Successfully withstood a Potawatomi Indian attack and seige in August-September 1812, although the Indian Agency was burned down. Rebuilt again in 1815-16 as a square stockade with two blockhouses at opposite corners, located at Main and Clay Streets (the 0.2 acre Old Fort Park was created here in 1863). The last original structure of the fort was torn down in 1852. The present-day reconstructed fort is located on Spy Run Ave., restored to the 1816 period. It is owned and operated by the city. Parking and access through Headwaters Park at 333 South Clinton Street.
(additional info provided by Stanley Schmitt)

Godfroy's Trading Post or
(unknown), Peru
A trading post at the Miami Indian village of Ikkepissinnoong. Also known as Pahlonswah's Trading Post.

Gamelin's Trading Post
(1827), Logansport
Located at the junction of the Wabash and Eel Rivers.

Durett's Trading Post
(1820), near Rockfield
A fur trade post on the south bank of the Wabash River, on the east bank of the mouth of Rock Creek.

(Tippecanoe Battlefield State Memorial)
(1808 - 1811), Battle Ground
An Indian stronghold, also known as "Prophet's Town", attacked and destroyed by General William Henry Harrison's troops (Novemeber 1811). This battle is considered to be the opening salvo of the War of 1812 in the Northwest Territory. Admission fee.

Fort Ouiatenon (Historic Park)
(1722 - 1763), Lafayette
The first French trading post was built nearby in 1717. The second fortified post, at the present location, was built in 1722. This area was called Wea Town and was settled by Wea (Ouia) Indians. The French surrendered it to the British in 1761. Indians under Pontiac captured the fort in June 1763. It was never regarrisoned. The remains of the stockade were then used by local trappers, and then by the Indians and British agents for raids against American settlers. It was finally burned down by American troops in May 1791. A DAR monument was erected here in 1909. The present blockhouse is a 1930 reconstruction, not on the original site. Excavations in the 1960's revealed the true site closer to the river, about one mile away. 1993 Archaeological Report || Indiana GenWeb Project

Cicott's Fort or
(1817 - unknown), near Independence
A trader's fort at the old Cicott (Potawatomi ?) Indian Reservation.

Cicott's Trading Post or
(1810's), near Independence
Located just downstream from the fort on the Wabash River.

Fort Boyd
(1811), near Cayuga
A Federal blockhouse at the mouth of the Vermillion River, built by General Harrison's troops during the Tippecanoe Campaign as a rear supply base and convalescent camp. Burned by the troops several weeks later as the army returned to Vincennes.
(additional info provided by Stanley Schmitt)

Lasselle's Trading Post
(1797), near Newport
Located on the south bank of the Little Vermillion River west of town.

Thorntown Trading Post or
(1820's ?), Thorntown
Located at the Miami Indian village of Thorntown, or Kahweokkioong, in the old Thorntown Reservation. The first white settler arrived here in 1828.

William Conner's Trading Post
(1802), near Fishers
Located on the south bank of the White River just north of the Marion County line.

Indianapolis Camp
(1846), Indianapolis
A Mexican-American War training camp located at the old State Fairgrounds.

Camp Sullivan was located here during the Civil War (see below).

Indianapolis Arsenal
(Arsenal Technical High School)
(1863 - 1903), Indianapolis
A Federal Arsenal 75-acre complex located at 1500 East Michigan Street, used mainly to store artillery and munitions after the Civil War. Garrisoned by troops (about 50) beginning in 1865. After closing, it became the Winonna Vocational School in 1907 - 1909. Indianapolis Public Schools opened Arsenal Technical High School here in 1912, its current use today. The seven-story main arsenal building, completed in 1867, is now the school's administration building. The interior was remodeled in 1932, and again 1993 after a fire. Other original buildings on campus include the 1867 Barracks, 1870 Officers' Quarters, 1866 Powder Magazine, and 1870's Guardhouse. See also Looking Back to Arsenal Days by Ella Sengenberger, courtesy of Near Eastside Community Organization

Camp Mount
(1898), Indianapolis
A Spanish-American War state mobilization camp located at the old State Fairgrounds (1892), north of 10th Street between Delaware and Central Aves.. Now Military Park.

Fort Benjamin Harrison (U.S. Military Reservation)
(Fort Benjamin Harrison Reuse Authority)
(Fort Harrison State Park)
(1903/1906 - 1996/present), Indianapolis
An Army infantry post, laid out in a large horseshoe, with parade ground bordered by barracks, headquarters, and Officers' quarters. Became an Officers' Training Camp in 1917. Became a Selective Service reception camp in 1940, and was home to the Army Finance School, Army Chaplain's School, Cook and Baker's School, Disciplinary Barracks, and a German/Italian POW camp. Became Benjamin Harrison Air Force Base (1948 - 1950) after WWII. After 1951 home to the US Army Finance Center, Finance School, Adjutant General School, and Defense Information School. Became the US Army Administration Center in 1973. Closed in 1996, part of the post is still in use by Army Reserve and Indiana National Guard units. Part of the reservation is now the Lawrence Village at the Fort upscale residential community. The Officers' Club and the surrounding undeveloped grounds, including the WWII POW camp, became a state park in 1995. History of Fort Benjamin Harrison from Indiana

George Smith's Fort
(1812 - unknown, Randolph County
A settlers' fortified house.

Fort Atkinson
(1790's), Fort Atkinson
An early Federal fort.

John Conner's Trading Post (3)
(1808), Connersville
Also known as Fort Conner (1).

Brouillett's Trading Post or
(unknown), near Shepherdsville (?)
Located on the north bank of an unnamed creek west of the Wabash River.

Fort Harrison (1)
(1811 - 1818), Terre Haute FORT WIKI
Built by General William Henry Harrison (future 9th U.S. President) at the Indian town of Battelle des Illinois, at the mouth of Lost Creek on the Wabash River. Also known as Camp Battelle or Camp Battelle des Illinois. Defended from Indian attack in September 1812 by Captain Zachary Taylor (later 12th U.S. President). The fort was originally 150-feet square with two-story blockhouses at the western corners and bastions at the eastern corners, with the barracks forming part of the walls. During the attack the southwest blockhouse was burned down. Rebuilt in 1815-16 with four blockhouses at the corners. Abandoned in 1818 for Fort Wayne. A country club later occupied the site. A monument is located in the parking lot of the Landing at Fort Harrison, at 3350 North 4th Street. Popularly referred to today as Fort William Henry Harrison, to distinguish it from the modern Fort Benjamin Harrison in Indianapolis.
(additional info provided by Stanley Schmitt)

Stockade Fort
(1810's), Sullivan County
An unnamed settlers' fort on the north bank Turman's Creek, north of Graysville.

Benjamin Turman's Fort
(1810 or 1811 - unknown), near Sullivan
A settlers' blockhouse located near Big Springs, north of town. May also be spelled Tierman. Used by General William H. Harrison as a command post before the Battle of Tippecanoe (1811). Also known as Fort Turman.

Fort Azatlan
(prehistoric), near Merom
Believed to be defensive works of the ancient Mound Builders.

Half-Way Fort
(1811 - unknown), Gill Township
This was a Federal supply fort commanded by a Colonel Taylor, father of Captain Zachary Taylor. It was located halfway between Fort (William Henry) Harrison and Fort Knox. Also known as Fort Gill. The fort contained 12 forges, a gun shop for repairs, gun powder factory, tannery, meat processing factory, and pens for livestock to feed the soldiers. The entire fortification was 40 to 60 acres under stockade. The fort was a meeting place of Generals Hopkins and Harrison. This was one of the largest forts standing in Indiana Territory, and during the times of the three expeditions heading to Prophetstown it housed as many as 3,000 troops and their horses.
(info courtesy of Rich Ferguson, and Jon and Patty Zeck)

Ledgerwood Blockhouse
(1803 - unknown), near Carlisle
A settlers' fort protecting a mill, located west of town.

Holden's and Ingles' Blockhouse
(1810's), near Carlisle
A two-family settlers' fort located west of town.

Fort Lisman
(1810 - unknown), near Carlisle
A settlers' fort located west of town on Busseron Creek.

Indiana Civil War Camps
(various locations, north to south)

Camp Valparaiso (1864), Valparaiso, located at the fairgrounds.
Camp Anderson (2) (1864), Michigan City, located at Michigan Blvd. and Carroll Ave..
Camp Colfax (1861), LaPorte, western side of town.
Camp Jackson (1861), at "Stanton's Grove" (location ?) in LaPorte County.
Camp Rose (1861 - 1862), Mishawaka, located at the old fairgrounds. Marker at Portage and Leland Streets.
Camp Mitchell (1863 - 1865), Kendallville.
Camp Allen (Park), Fort Wayne, located southwest of Main Street Bridge, opposite Swinney Park, at Camp Allen Drive and Fair Street.
Camp Wabash (1862 - 1865), Wabash.
Camp Pettit (1862), near Wabash, south of town.
Camp Logan (1) (1861), Logansport, located at present-day Third and Ottawa Streets.
Camp Orth, Battle Ground.
Camp Tippecanoe (1861 - 1864), Lafayette, located south of 4th and Kossuth Streets. Also used as a Confederate POW camp in 1862.
Camp Sample, near Lafayette, a POW camp.
Camp Stilwell (2) (1863 - 1864), Kokomo.
Camp Ross (1) (1861), Portland.
Camp Anderson (1) (1861), Anderson, located at the present-day country club. Renamed Camp Stilwell (1).
Camp Bridgeland (1861 - 1862), Indianapolis, located four miles northeast of downtown on Fall Creek. Originally named Camp Bullock.
Camp Morton (1861 - 1865), Indianapolis, located at the site of the old State Fairgrounds between 19th and 22nd Streets, and Talbott and Delaware to Central Ave.. Became a Confederate POW camp after 1862. Monument located at Herron-Morton Place Historic Park.
Camp Sullivan (1862 - 1864), Indianapolis, located at the old fairgrounds, now Military Park.
Camp Reynolds (2) (1862), Indianapolis, located between the canal and the White River, one and one-half miles from Camp Carrington.
Camp Fremont (1863 -1864), Indianapolis, located near Fountain Square, east of Virginia Ave. and south of Prospect Street.
Camp Carrington (1862, 1864 - 1865), Indianapolis, located near present-day West 15th and Missouri Streets. Originally known as Camp Murray in 1862. Replaced Camp Morton as the main training camp when the POW camp was established.
Camp Robinson (1861, 1864), Indianapolis, located at the southern end of Thomas Taggart Riverside Park, on Cold Spring Road.
Burnside Barracks (aka Camp Burnside) (1862, 1864), Indianapolis, at 7th and Tinker (16th) Streets.
Camp Noble (2), Indianapolis, located west of Camp Burnside. Also known as Camp Floyd.
Camp Morris (2) (1861), Indianapolis, located on the White River on the south side of Washington Street.
Camp Bill Taylor (1861), Indianapolis, located on West Washington Street near Camp Morris.
Camp Oak Glen (1865), Indianapolis, located at West and Georgia Streets.
Camp Streight (1861), Indianapolis, located at Central Ave. and 11th Street.
Camp Vajen (1861), Indianapolis, located on Meridian Street by the present-day Vajen Building.
Camp Holloway (1862), Indianapolis.
Camp Joe Holt (2), Indianapolis.
Camp Kimball (1861), Indianapolis.
Camp Lafayette (1861), Indianapolis.
Camp Shanks (1862 - 1864), Indianapolis.
Camp Wood (1861), Indianapolis.
Camp Harrison (1) (1861), Irvington, originally named Camp McClellan.
Camp Wayne (1) (1861 - 1864), Richmond, located at the old fairgrounds.
Camp Wayne (2) (1862), Cambridge City.
Camp Rushville (1862), Rushville.
Camp Greencastle (1861), Greencastle.
Camp Hughes (1861), Gosport, marker at site.
Camp Vigo (1861 - 1862), Terre Haute, at or near the fairgrounds.
Camp Harrison (2) (1862), Terre Haute.
Camp Linsay (1863), Terre Haute, located one-half mile south of town.

Southern Indiana - page 2

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Eastern Forts