Camp Andrews |
Camp Bartley |
Beall's Camp |
Beam's Mill BH |
Bellville Post
Black Fork BH |
Bouquet's Stockade |
Camp Brown |
Camp Buckingham |
Carter's BH
Camp Christmas |
Cleveland Blockhouses |
Camp Cleveland |
Clinton's BH
Columbia BH (2) |
Columbiana Fort |
Con-Cha-Ke Trade Post |
Coulter's BH |
Camp Council
J. Cunningham's BH |
Camp Cuyahoga |
Cuyahoga Trade Posts |
Camp Dennison (2)
Eagle BH |
Elk Creek Trade Post |
Evans' BH |
Farnum's BH |
Finley-Collyer BH
Fort Fizzle |
Fredericktown Blockhouses |
French House |
Ganges Pickett Stockade
Camp Giddings |
Camp Harrison (1) |
Hudson BH |
Hungerford's BH |
Fort Huntington
Camp Hutchins |
Jeromesville Stockade |
Lake Fork BH |
Fort Laurens |
Levering's BH
S. Lewis' BH |
Old Lewis Fort |
Lucerne BH |
Camp McKisson |
Camp Mansfield
Camp Massillion |
Camp Meigs |
Miller's BH |
Mohican Post |
Mount Vernon BH
Fort Murray |
Muskingum Trade Post (1) |
Camp Musser |
Old Stone Fort
Ottawa Indian Fort (1) |
Ottawa Indian Fort (2) |
J. Priest's BH (2) |
J. Priest's Fort (1)
Saline BH |
Shaeffer's BH |
Fort Stidger |
Talmage's BH |
Taylor's BH |
Camp Taylor
Camp Tiffin |
Camp Tod (1) |
Camp Tod (2) |
Trucksville Post |
Tuscarawas Trade Post
Camp Wade |
Fort Walhonding |
Walholding Trade Post |
Waterford BH (2) |
Wayne BH
Westlawn Barracks |
Camp Whetstone |
C. Williams' BH |
Camp Wood |
Wooster BH
Workman's BH |
Yellow Creek BH
Northwestern Ohio - page 1 | Southwestern Ohio - page 2
Southeastern Ohio - page 3 | Greater Toledo Area - page 5
Elk Creek Trading Post
(1758), near Oberlin
A British trading post located at the mouth of Elk Creek, off of the West Branch Black River about three miles east of town, south of Parsons Road.
French House
(1742 - 1743 ?, 1750's ?), near Independence
A French trading post located on the west bank of the Cuyahoga River opposite (or below) Tinker's Creek, about 15 miles inland, near a Mingo Indian town. Established by François (?), sieur de Saguin, a trader from Detroit. Ordered to vacate the post in 1743, Saguin may have stayed longer. Possibly identified on a 1755 British map as the "French House". There was no longer any French presence on the Cuyahoga River by 1758.
Cuyahoga Trading Post (1)
(1744 - 1750), Cleveland
A British trading post built by George Croghan. Located at a Seneca Indian village at or near the mouth of the Cuyahoga River. Evicted by the French in 1750.
Cuyahoga Trading Post (2)
(1786 - unknown), Cleveland
A British North West Co. trading house located on the west bank of the mouth of the Cuyahoga River, about one city block south of the lakeshore. Later popularly known as the "Astor House", it was moved several times because of development. It was demolished in 1922.
Cuyahoga Trading Post (3)
(1790 - unknown), near Brooklyn
A British North West Co. trading post built by Joseph DuShattar of Detroit, located on the west bank of the Cuyahoga River about nine miles inland from Lake Erie. DuShattar was still here in 1794. Traders John Baptiste Flemmng and Joseph Burrall also were at the post from time to time. Apparently the North West Company kept two posts in operation at the same time.
Fort Huntington
(1813 - 1815), Cleveland
A Federal stockade fort and hospital built by General William Henry Harrison. Saw no action in the War of 1812. A stone marker is at Fort Huntington Park near Seneca Street.
Camp Harrison (1) was originally located here in 1812, built by the local militia.
Cleveland Civil War Camps
(1861 - 1865), Cleveland
Camp Cleveland (1862 - 1865) was located on University Heights, bounded by West 5th St., West 7th St., Railway Ave., and Marquardt Ave.. Previously this was known as Camp Wade (1861). A U.S. Army General Hospital was nearby.
Camp Taylor (1861 - 1865), was located at East 30th Street and Woodland Ave., the site of the old Cuyahoga County Agricultural Fairgrounds, now Cuyahoga County College, Metro Campus.
Camp Brown (1861) was located at Euclid Ave. and East 46th Street.
Camp Tod (1) (1861) was located along Woodlawn Ave..
Camp Wood (1861) was located on East 37th Street one-half mile from Woodlawn Ave..
Camp Cuyahoga (1863) was located on East 55th Street.
Camp McKisson
(1898), Cleveland
A Spanish-American War muster-out camp located at "Payne's Pasture", probably located along Payne Ave. at East 21st Street.
Camp Giddings
(1861), Jefferson
A Civil War training camp located at the old county fairgrounds.
Camp Hutchins
(1861), Warren
A Civil War training camp.
Columbiana Fort
(1812), Columbiana
A local militia defense.
General Beall's Camp
(1812), Canton
A fortified camp used by General Beall to train new recruits before deploying them to the newly established blockhouses.
Westlawn Barracks
(1901 - 1909), Canton
An Army post, possibly a National Guard summer encampment area.
Camp Massillion
(1862), Massillion
A Civil War training camp on the Tuscarawas River.
Tuscarawas Trading Post
(1750), near Bolivar
A British trading post at the Shawnee village of Beaver's Town. Located on the Tuscarawas River about one mile above town.
Fort Laurens (State Memorial)
(Friends of Fort Laurens Foundation)
(1778 - 1779), Bolivar
The only fort in Ohio built by the Continental Army during the American Revolution. It was never completed and the fort was abandoned after several Indian attacks. The outline of the fort is traced along the museum grounds. A reconstruction of the fort is planned for the future.
Col. Henry Bouquet's Stockade
(1764), near Bolivar
A small British post located on the west bank of the Tuscarawas River below Big Sandy Creek, about two miles below Beaver's Town (about one mile below the present town). Built to store provisions and supplies for the return trip after the expedition to subdue the Ohio Indians after Pontiac's Uprising. See also Bouquet's Expedition from Ohio History
Camp Tod (2)
(1861), Columbia
A Civil War training camp located at Old State Quarry, about three miles west of town.
(NOTE: Location not verified. There are several towns named "Columbia" in the state.)
Camp Meigs
(1861), Dover
A Civil War training camp.
Wooster Blockhouse
(1812), Wooster
Built by troops under General Beall. Originally called Camp Christmas before the blockhouse was built. The blockhouse lasted until the 1820's.
Fort Stidger
(1812), Wooster
An Army or militia blockhouse. (same as above ?)
Camp Tiffin
(1861 - 1864), Wooster
A Civil War training camp. Site located northwest of town in what was then known as Quinby's Grove.
Camp Dennison (2)
(1861 - unknown), Wooster
A Civil War training camp.
Ottawa Indian Fort (1)
(1755), Ashland County
An Ottawa Indian stockaded settlement. Undetermined location.
Fort Murray
(1812), Jeromesville
A blockhouse built by Capt. Nicholas Murray and troops under the command of General Beall.
Ottawa Indian Fort (2)
(1762), Richland County
An Ottawa Indian stockaded settlement. Undetermined location.
Camp Musser
(1812), near Hayesville
A fortified camp used by General Beall. Located on Oldtown Run west of town.
Camp Whetstone
(1812), near Olivesburg
A fortified camp used by General Beall.
Camp Council
(1812), near Shenandoah
A fortified camp used by Generals Beall and Harrison.
Trucksville Post
(1812), Ganges
A blockhouse built by troops under General Hull. The original name of the town was Trucksville.
Mansfield Militia Blockhouses
(1812), Mansfield
Capt. James Cunningham's Blockhouse, survived until the 1820's.
Capt. Shaeffer's Blockhouse, located at Main Street and Park Avenue West, burned down in 1813.
Col. Charles Williams' Blockhouse, originally located at the north end of the public square (Central Park). Later used as the first county courthouse and jail until 1816. Rebuilt from the original timbers (lower level), and timbers from an 1821-era cabin (upper level), in 1906. Relocated to South Park in 1929. Restored in 2008. See also 2008 Restoration
John Chapman, aka "Johnny Appleseed", a settler here at the time of an impending Indian attack in August 1813, made an overnight run to Clinton and Mount Vernon to get reinforcements.
Mansfield Civil War Camps
(1860's), Mansfield
Located in the area were Camp Mansfield (1862), Camp Buckingham (1861), and Camp Mordecai Bartley (1861).
Bellville Post
(1812), Bellville
A local militia blockhouse.
Fort Walhonding
(1750's ?), Mount Vernon
A French trading post.
Mount Vernon Blockhouse
(1812), Mount Vernon
Part of a chain of military blockhouses that formed a defensive line in Ohio after General Hull surrendered to the British.
Camp Andrews
(1861 - 1862), Mount Vernon
A Civil War training camp.
Fort Fizzle
(1863), near Killbuck
Scene of the "Holmes County Rebellion", a local draft riot in June 1863. About 900 local men resisted the Federal draft, and 420 Union Regular Army troops from Columbus arrived to subdue them. Lew Wallace, later author of "Ben Hur", dubbed the rioters fortified position "Fort Fizzle." It never had a real name.
Walhonding Trading Post
(1758), near Warsaw
A British trading post on the Walhonding River east of town, northwest of Historic Roscoe Village.
Con-Cha-Ke Trading Post
(1744 ?, 1748 - 1753), Coshocton
A British trading post built by George Croghan, located at the Wyandot Indian village of Muskingum, or Con-Cha-Ke, near the present-day town on the east (south) bank of the Tuscarawas River. Also known as Muskingum Trading Post (1). Croghan's trade goods were confiscated by the French in 1753. The British may have had a trading post here or nearby in 1744. The village was abandoned by 1760.
Early Pioneer Settlement Forts of Ohio
Ashland County:
Thomas Coulter's Blockhouse (1812), near Perrysville. A fortified cabin.
Eagle Blockhouse (1812), undetermined location.
Finley - Collyer Blockhouse (1812), undetermined location.
Jeromesville Stockade (1812), Jeromesville.
Lake Fork Blockhouse (1812), near Mohicanville. Also known as Mohican Post.
James Priest's Fort (1) (1790's - 1810), Lake Township.
Taylor's Blockhouse (1812), near Lake Fork.
Columbiana County:
Saline Blockhouse (1792), Salineville.
Yellow Creek Blockhouse (1792), Salineville.
Coshocton County:
Isaac Evans' Blockhouse (1806), on the Tuscarawas River north of Isleta. A square stone structure, possibly simply originally a powder magazine. Rebuilt by the Coshocton Historical Society in 1953. Also referred to locally as Old Stone Fort. An alternate theory has the structure built by British trader George Croghan in 1752.
Cuyahoga County:
Lorenzo Carter's Blockhouse (1797), Cleveland, on the east bank of the Cuyahoga River.
Cleveland Blockhouse (1) (1796), Cleveland.
Cleveland Blockhouse (2) (1800), Cleveland.
Hungerford's Blockhouse (1800), undetermined location.
Holmes County:
James Priest's Blockhouse (2) (1810), east of Loudonville.
Knox County:
Clinton's Blockhouse (1812), undetermined location.
Fredericktown Blockhouse (1) (1812), Fredericktown.
Fredericktown Blockhouse (2) (1812), Fredericktown. Later converted to a schoolhouse.
Wayne Blockhouse (1812), Green Valley, Wayne Township, five miles northwest of Mt. Vernon.
Old Lewis Fort (1811), Lucerne. A blockhouse.
Lucerne Blockhouse (1812), Lucerne.
Daniel Levering's Blockhouse (1813), Waterford.
Waterford Blockhouse (2) (1813), Waterford.
Joseph Workman's Blockhouse (1812), Danville. Later known as Solomon Workman's Blockhouse, Joseph's son.
Lorain County:
Columbia Blockhouse (2) (1812), Columbia.
Morrow County:
John Miller's Blockhouse (1812), Chesterville, at Rush's Mill.
Talmage's Blockhouse (1812), near Chesterville.
Richland County:
Beam's Mill Blockhouse (1812), near East Mansfield at Beam's (Goudy's) Mill on the Rocky Fork Mohican River.
Black Fork Blockhouse (1812), undetermined location on the Black Fork Mohican River.
Ganges Pickett Stockade (1812), Ganges.
Samuel Lewis' Blockhouse (1812), near Butler on the Clear Fork Mohican River.
Summit County:
Hudson Blockhouse (1812), Hudson.
John Farnum's Blockhouse (1812), north of Richfield.
Of interest: Cleveland NIKE Missile Bases 1955 - 1971 from the Encyclopedia of Cleveland History
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