Central Pennsylvania

Anderson's Blockhouse | Antes' Fort | Camp at Armstrong's | Fort Augusta | Bigham's Fort
Fort Bingham | Boone's Fort | Bosley's Fort | Brady's Fort | Fort Bunner | Crum's Blockhouse
Fetter's Fort | Fort Freeland | Fort George | Fort Granville | Fort Halifax | Harris' Fort (2)
Hartsog's Fort | Hendricks' Blockhouse (a) | Holliday's Fort | Horn's Fort | Fort Jenkins (2)
Lead Mine Fort | Locke House | Lower Fort (2) | Lowrey's Blockhouse
Lycoming Creek Stockade | Lytle's Blockhouse | McAlevy's Blockhouse | Fort McClure (2)
McCormick's Fort (2) | T. McKee's Fort (1) | McKee's Upper Fort | Menninger's Fort
Montgomery's Fort | Fort Muncy | Old Fort | J. Patterson's Fort | W. Patterson's Fort
Phillips' Fort | (Fort) Pomfret Castle | Potter's Blockhouse | W. Reed's Fort | Fort Rice (1)
Ricket's Blockhouse | Fort Roberdeau | Roller's Blockhouse | Fort Schwartz
Shamokin Fort | Spring Garden Fort | Fort Standing Stone | Fort Stanwix | Stewart's Fort (1)
Stover's Fort | Fort Swartz | Fort at Tuscarora | Upper Fort | Wallis' Fort | Fort Wheeler

Southeast Pennsylvania - page 1 | Northeast Pennsylvania - page 2
Southern Pennsylvania I - page 4 | Southern Pennsylvania II - page 5
Southwest Pennsylvania - page 6 | Northwest Pennsylvania - page 7
Greater Pittsburgh - page 8


Last Update: 17/APRIL/2010
Compiled by Pete Payette - ©2010 American Forts Network

Fort Halifax
(Halifax Township Park)
(1756 - 1757), Halifax FORT WIKI
Built by the Pennsylvania colonial militia as a subpost of Fort Augusta, near the home of Robert Armstrong. It was a 160-feet square log stockade with four bastions. No remains. A stone monument (1926) is located on PA 147 north of town on Armstrong's Creek. Camp at Armstrong's was first established when the troops arrived, before the fort was constructed. The Central Pennsylvania Conservancy purchased the once-private 174-acre estate property and transferred it to the town in 2006.

Capt. Thomas McKee's Fort (1)
(1755 - unknown), near Dalmatia
A settlers' stockaded home. Also known as McKee's Upper Fort.

Locke House
(1754 - 1755), Sunbury
A fortified (?) trading post and Provincial Indian agency built by Conrad Weiser at Shamokin.

Fort Augusta
(Northumberland County Historical Society)
(1756 - 1765, 1777 - 1782), Sunbury FORT WIKI
Built by the Pennsylvania colonial militia. Also known as Shamokin Fort, after the Delaware Indian village (1727 - 1756) here that was abandoned after the Penn's Creek Massacre of 1755. A log fort about 200-feet square, with a dry moat and bastions in each corner, armed with 12 guns. An outer stockade with four blockhouses further protected the fort. There were Officers' quarters and barracks. The underground stone powder magazine has been restored, and the well also still exists. Two old cannon also still remain, on display in the museum. A Provincial trading post (store) for the Indian trade was established here in 1758, closed in 1763. This was the only remaining Provincial fort continually maintained after 1761. It was not attacked during Pontiac's uprising in 1763. Later served as an outpost for early west-bound pioneers, and was a base of operations for Patriot forces during the American Revolution. The stockade was removed in 1794. The Officers' quarters burned down in 1848, and the current Hunter House was built on the site in 1852. Became state property in 1930, and is administered by the Northumberland County Historical Society, located at 1150 North Front Street. A reconstruction of the fort on the actual site is called for in the park's master plan. See also "The Augusta Regiment" historical reenactment group

Bosley's Fort
(1777 - 1779), Washingtonville
A settlers' stockaded blockhouse and gristmill (built 1773). Garrisoned by state militia troops (20 men) in 1779.

Fort McClure (2)
(1781 - unknown), Bloomsburg
A settlers' (James McClure) stockaded home, located on the Susquehanna River about one mile above the mouth of Fishing Creek. The PA state militia erected the stockade to replace Fort Jenkins (2) as a community refuge. A log cabin (summer kitchen) is all that remains of the original homestead. Stone monument (1907) at site. See also Fort McClure Chapter, DAR

Fort Wheeler
(1778 - 1783 ?), Paper Mill
A PA state militia stockaded fort on Fishing Creek, built on the land of either Isaac (Isaiah) or Joseph Wheeler. Attacked by the British and Indians in April or May 1778 while still under construction. A stone monument (1915) marks the site on private property. State marker is on PA 487. See also Moses Van Campen.com

Fort Jenkins (2)
(1778 - 1780), Lime Ridge
A PA state militia 60-by-80-foot stockaded fort, built on the land of a Mr. Jenkins. Garrisoned by Continental troops after 1779. Abandoned in September 1780 and then later burned by Indians. Stone monument (1925) at site.

Capt. Hawkins Boone's Fort
(1777 - 1779), near Milton
Located about one mile above town near the mouth of Muddy Run. A settlers' stockaded gristmill. Hawkins Boone, despite popular myth, was not related to Daniel Boone (maybe a very distant cousin at best). The fort was destroyed in the same attack as on Fort Freeland. Boone was also killed in that attack.

Fort Swartz
(1778 - 1780), near Milton
A Patriot log blockhouse located about one mile above town. Also spelled Schwartz. Garrisoned by the Patriot "German Battalion".

Fort Rice (1)
(1779 - 1782), McEwensville
A stockade built by Patriot forces around the recently abandoned and burned home (1771) of John Montgomery. A stone blockhouse was built over the spring. Possibly also known as Fort Bunner. Attacked by Indians in September 1780. Montgomery returned to reclaim the land after the war, and the stone house became known as Montgomery's Fort.

Fort Freeland
(1778 - 1779), Warrior Run
A settlers' (Jacob Freeland) stockaded two-story home and mill, located west of Turbotville. Taken by the British and Indians in July 1779 in which 108 settlers were captured and killed. The survivors fled to Fort Augusta. The area was not resettled until 1783. A monument was dedicated in 1996. The Hower-Slote House was built on the site in 1829, and the present Warrior Run Church was also built nearby in 1835. See also Warrior Run-Fort Freeland Heritage Society || Hower-Slote House from Fold3 by Ancestry.com

Menninger's Fort
(1778, 1779 - 1780), White Deer
A settlers' fort abandoned in May 1778. It was hastily built to protect a gristmill and a gun barrel-boring establishment (built 1776). Indians burned the abandoned fort in July 1779. State militia troops were later garrisoned here (November 1779) at a nearby stone house, once owned by Catherine Smith, until 1780. Smith returned in 1783 to rebuild the mill.

Spring Garden Fort
(1774), Spring Garden
An unnamed settlers' fort.

Capt. John Brady's Fort
(1777 - 1778), Muncy
A settlers' stockade house located at the mouth of Muncy Creek. Overrun by Indians, the settlers fled in what was called the "Big Runaway" (May 1778). Brady was later killed in April 1779 by Indians at Wolf Run.

Fort Muncy
(1778 - 1779, 1782), near Halls Station
A settlers' stockaded stone house (1769) (aka Samuel Wallis' Fort) that was burned by the British and Indians in May 1778, then rebuilt again later in the same year. A new stockaded fort with barracks and a magazine was built by state militia troops in 1779. The fort was destroyed by the British and Indians in the summer of 1779, but Wallis' house suffered only minor damage. The brick house, later modified, still stands. A new stockaded blockhouse was built in 1782.

Harris' Fort (2)
(1777 - 1778), Montoursville
A settlers' stockade at the mouth of Loyalsock Creek. Abandoned in the "Big Runaway".

Lycoming Creek Stockade
(1778), Williamsport
A settlers' protective stockade was begun at the mouth of Lycoming Creek, but was never completed before the "Big Runaway" of May 1778.

Col. John Antes' Fort
(1777 - 1778, 1779 - 1784), Antes Fort
A settlers' stockaded house, originally built in 1773. Used as a local refuge, and also by the Pennsylvania state militia, it was evacuated by the settlers during the "Big Runaway" after the "Wyoming Valley Massacre". Antes returned in 1779 to rebuild his nearby gristmill. His house had remained standing. The stockade was dismantled after 1784. The state marker in Jersey Shore has the date of construction as 1776. The stone monument was relocated from the actual site to the town museum.

Samuel Horn's Fort
(1777 - 1778), Avis
A settlers' stockaded log home (built 1776) at the mouth of Pine Creek, it was evacuated by the settlers during the "Big Runaway" and later burned.

William Reed's Fort
(1777 - 1778), Lock Haven
A settlers' stockaded home (built 1775), evacuated during the "Big Runaway" of May 1778. Located on Water Street east of the canal. State militia troops were posted here in 1777.

Pomfret Castle
(1756), Richfield ?
A Pennsylvania colonial militia fort that was planned and laid out in trace, but never actually built. Shown on a 1756 map. Site was abandoned after the fall of Fort Granville. Located on Mahantango Creek, although the actual site has never been determined. Some sources name it Fort Pomfret Castle.

Hendricks' Blockhouse (a)
(1763 - 1780's), Middle Creek Township, Snyder County
A settlers' blockhouse. Used through the 1780's. Still stood until sometime after the Civil War.

Capt. James Patterson's Fort
(1755 - 1756), Mexico
A settlers' stockaded fort. Attacked by Indians in October 1755. Used by the Pennsylvania colonial militia in 1756 and renamed Fort George. The garrison here had originally been slated for duty at Pomfret Castle, but that post was never built. Attacked again by Indians in 1756. Abandoned after the fall of Fort Granville. A stone monument (1920) is located on Route 3002 (old US 322) on the east side of town.

Capt. William Patterson's Fort
(1763), near Mexico
A blockhouse built during Pontiac's War, opposite the river from James Patterson's Fort. It was never attacked. The blockhouse stood for many years afterwards. William was the son of James.

Stewart's Fort (1)
(1756), Spruce Hill Township, Juniata County
A settlers' fort located on the south bank of Tuscarora Creek, shown on a 1756 map.

Capt. Samuel Bigham's Fort
(1756, 1760 - 1763), Tuscarora Township, Juniata County
A settlers' stockaded blockhouse (1749). Also known as Fort at Tuscarora. Used by the Pennsylvania colonial militia. Attacked by Indians and destroyed, killing most of the garrison. Later rebuilt by traders under Ralph Sterrett and renamed Fort Bingham (sic), but destroyed again. A stone monument (1934) is located at the junction of PA 75 and Route 3006, near Bunker Hill.

Fort Granville
(1755 - 1756), Lewistown
A 50-foot square log stockade with four bastions and barracks, built by the Pennsylvania colonial militia on the land of James Turner. Attacked and destroyed by French and Indian forces in July 1756. Site located about one and one-half miles southwest of town on the north bank of the Juniata River. A stone monument (1916) is located on US 522 next to the PennDOT facility.

Stover's Fort
(1770's - unknown), near Aaronsburg
A settlers' fort. Sometimes called Lower Fort in Penn's Valley.
(info courtesy of Phil Stover)

Col. James Potter's Blockhouse
(1777 - unknown), Old Fort
A settlers' stockaded blockhouse. Sometimes called Old Fort in Penn's Valley or Upper Fort in Penn's Valley. Used by the PA state militia in 1778.

Capt. William McAlevy's Blockhouse
(1778 - unknown), McAlevy's Fort
A settlers' blockhouse on Standing Stone Creek.

McCormick's Fort (2)
(1778 - 1780's), West Township, Huntingdon County
A settlers' fort in the "Stone Valley", probably located near present-day Neffs Mills. Built by either Robert or Alexander. Indians attacked nearby in 1782. After the war the fort was demolished and the timbers were used for a barn.

Crum's Blockhouse
(1779 - unknown), near Saulsburg
A settlers' blockhouse.

Ricket's Blockhouse
(1776 - unknown), Warriors Mark
A settlers' fort.

Fort Roberdeau
(1778 - 1780), Fort Roberdeau
A Pennsylvania state militia fort built to protect nearby lead mines from Indians and Tories. Also known as the Lead Mine Fort. It was a four-bastioned palisaded log fort, armed with two guns. It had an Officers' quarters, barracks, underground powder magazine, kitchen, blacksmith shop, and lead smelter. The mines were soon exhausted, but the fort continued to serve as a defense for area settlers. The stockade and cabins were reconstructed in 1976, as well as a working lead smelter. The visitor center and museum are in an 1858 barn. Admission fee. See also Mother Bedford.com

Jacob Roller's (Sr.) Blockhouse
(1777 - unknown), near Arch Spring
A settlers' blockhouse on Sinking Run.

Lowrey's Blockhouse
(1778 - unknown), near Mt. Etna
A settlers' blockhouse once located in the Canoe Valley. Built by either James, Daniel, or Alexander Lowrey, all brothers; or David.

The "Dean Family Massacre" (1779 or 1780) took place about one mile downriver (northeast) in present-day Morris Township, Huntingdon County.

Samuel Anderson's Blockhouse
(1778), near Petersburg
A settlers' blockhouse located at the mouth of Shaver Creek. Abandoned for Fort Standing Stone.

Lytle's Blockhouse
(1777), near Alexandria
A settlers' blockhouse located south of town in the "Hart's Log Valley".

Fort Standing Stone
(1762 - 1780's), Huntingdon
A settlers' stockade. It was partially dismantled after Pontiac's War. Rebuilt on a larger scale by the Pennsylvania state militia in 1777. Still in use in 1782. The fort stood for several years after the war. Site located at Standing Stone Creek at the Juniata River. The town was once known as Stone Town.

Hartsog's Fort
(1778 - unknown), near Marklesburg
A settlers' fort in the "Woodcock Valley". The actual site may be submerged under Raystown Lake.

Capt. William Phillips' Fort
(1770's), near Larke
A settlers' fort located on Clover Creek.

William Holliday's Fort
(1777 - unknown), Hollidaysburg
A settlers' fort, originally a stable located on the property of Peter Titus, located in the Gaysport area. Briefly abandoned in 1779 due to Indian raids. The town was originally named Frankstown in the 1750's.

Michael Fetter's (Sr.) Fort
(1777 - unknown), Duncansville
A settlers' fort. A modern hotel is now on the presumed site.

NEED MORE INFO: Fort Stanwix in Lycoming County (?)

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Southern Pennsylvania II - page 5 | Southwest Pennsylvania - page 6 | Northwest Pennsylvania - page 7
Greater Pittsburgh - page 8

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