Southwestern Ohio

Camp Ammen | Fort Ancient | Anderson's Station (1) | Beasley's Station | Beedle's Station
Fort Black | Fort Brier | Brookville Fort | Bruce's Station | Buchanan's BH
Butcher's Hill Battery | Calvary Cemetery Indian Fort | Campbell's Station (3)
James Carpenter's Station | Cincinnati BH (1)
Cincinnati BH (2) | Camp Clark | Camp Clay | Clement's Station | Cleves Stockade
Cleves Station | Coleman's Mill Station | Camp Colerain | Coleraine Station
Columbia Station (1) | Conner's Trade Post | Camp Corwin | Camp Corwine | Covalt's Station
Cribb's Station | Croghan's Trade Post | Cunningham's Station (1) | Daraugh's Station
Dayton BH (1) | Dayton Fort (2) | Deerfield Stockade | Demint's Station | Camp Dennison (1)
Dunlap's Station | Dunn's BH (2) | Dunn's Station (1) | Dutch Station | Dye Stone BH
Enon Fort | Camp Fairgrounds (1) | Fort Finney | Flinn's BH | Flynn's BH
Franklin Stockade (2) | Frazee's Station | Freeman's Station | Gerard's Station
Germantown Stockade | Fort Greene Ville | Gregory's Station | Griffin's Station | Camp Gurley
Camp Hamer | Camp Hamilton | Fort Hamilton | Camp Harrison (2) | Fort Harrison
Hayes' Station | Fort Hill (1) | Hilliard's BH | Camp Hobson's Choice | Hole's Station
Howell's BH | Hunter's BH | Fort Jefferson | Fort at Johnston's Farm | Keen's Station
Kemper's Station | Kingsbury's BH | Kiser's BH | Knox BH | Fort La Demoiselle
Lebanon Fort | Livingston Stockade | Losantiville Station | Lower Piqua Indian Stockade
Camp Lucas | Luce's BH | Ludlow's Station | McFarland's Station | McHenry's Station
Fort McKinley | Camp McLean | Manchester Station | Camp Maple Swamp | Massie's Station
Mercer's Station | Miami Indian Fort (1) | Miami Fort (3) | Fort Miami (4) | Mill Creek BH (1)
Camp Mississinewa | Camp Monroe | Morrell's Station | Mount's Station | Mt. Adams Battery
Nelson's Station | Fort Nesbit | Fort Nisbit | Norftsinger's BH | North Bend Station
Pan Handle Depot Stockade | Paxton's Station | Peckuwe | Perry's BH | Picawillany Trade Post
Camp Piqua | Fort Piqua | Pleasant Valley Stockade | Pollock Earthworks | Price's Hill Battery
Red Bank Station | Camp Repose | Riddle's Station | Camp Ripley | Rogers' BH
Round Bottom Station | Fort Rowdy | Runyon's Station | Rush's BH | Fort St. Clair
Fort Salem | Camp Shady | Simmons' BH | Sixteen Corner BH | South Bend Station
Springboro Stockade | Springfield Fort | Fort Staunton | Camp Stillwater | Studabaker's BH
Sugar Camp Station | Camp Sulphur Springs | Symmes' Station | Thomas' BH | Camp Tod (3)
Tucker's Stockade | Turkey Bottom BH | Union Village Station | Fort at the Upper Piqua
Upper Piqua Indian Stockade | Van Meter's Fort | Vanvorhee's Stockade | Volunteer BH
Fort Washington | Camp Wayne (1) | Camp Wayne (2) | Whickerham's Station
White's Station | Williams' BH (1) | Wood-Manning Stockade | Workman Earthworks
Xenia BH

Northwestern Ohio - page 1 | Southeastern Ohio - page 3
Northeastern Ohio - page 4 | Greater Toledo Area - page 5

Last Update: 26/SEPTEMBER/2021
Compiled by Pete Payette - ©2021 American Forts Network

Springfield Fort
(1812), Springfield
A local militia defense.

Camp Clark
(1861), Springfield
A Civil War training camp located at the old county fairgrounds. Also known as Camp Fairgrounds (1).

(1779), near Springfield
A Shawnee Indian stockaded settlement, located on the Mad River west of town. Attacked and destroyed by American Patriot forces under George Rogers Clark in August 1780 (Battle of Peckuwe).

Enon Fort
(1812), Enon
A local militia defense.

(1748 - 1750's), near Lockington
Located upriver to the north of Piqua was the French Fort at the Upper Piqua (1752 - unknown), which was built over the burned fortified British trading post (George Croghan's Trading Post) (1748 - 1752) at the Miami Indian village, sometimes referred to as Picawillany Trading Post. The French fort was also known as Fort La Demoiselle by the British, named after La Demoiselle, the chief of the Miami Confederacy. The French under Capt. Pierre-Joseph Céloron tried to evict Croghan and his traders in 1749, but were unsuccessful.

The Shawnee Indian village of Upper Piqua was settled and fortified in 1780.

Fort Piqua
(Johnston Farm and Indian Agency State Historic Site)
(1794 - 1795, 1812 - 1815), near Piqua FORT WIKI
A stockaded U.S. Army supply post with a blockhouse. Earthworks still remain. The original blockhouse was not in use, or no longer existed, during the War of 1812. Another blockhouse was built nearby in 1812, which was known as Fort at (John) Johnston's Farm. Johnston was the Indian agent at Lower Piqua during the war. The state museum was built to resemble a period blockhouse.

The Shawnee Indian village of Lower Piqua was settled and fortified in 1780. Attacked by American Patriot forces under George Rogers Clark in November 1782 (Battle of Piqua).

Camp Piqua
(1862), near Piqua
A Civil War training camp. Site located northwest of town along OH 66.

Fort Staunton
(1812 - unknown), Staunton
A local militia blockhouse.

Camp Dave Tod (3)
(1861 - 1862), Troy
A Civil War training camp.

Fort Rowdy (1)
(1793 - 1794), Covington
A U.S Army outpost named for the unruly garrison here during the winter months.

Capt. George Buchanan's Blockhouse
(1812), Covington
A local militia stockaded blockhouse at or near the site of Fort Rowdy. Sometimes also referred to as Fort Rowdy (2).

Camp Mississinewa
(1791), near Lightsville
A temporary encampment used during General St. Clair's campaign. Stone monument located on the east side of OH 49 near the Mississinewa River bridge.

Camp Stillwater
(1794), Brown Township
A temporary encampment used during General Wayne's campaign. Stone monument located on OH 49 near the Stillwater River bridge.

Camp Sulphur Springs
(1791), near Elroy
A temporary encampment used during General St. Clair's campaign. Stone monument located on the west side of OH 49 about 0.7 mile south of OH 47.

Fort Greene Ville
(1793 - 1796), Greenville FORT WIKI
This was an extensive work covering 50 acres. There were four blockhouses in the center of each wall. There were several rows of log huts, and storehouses, magazines, and Officers' quarters. Eight log redoubts were built outside the fort, each with a small blockhouse. The stockade fort was abandoned and burned. The 1795 Treaty of Fort Greenville was signed here, ending Washington's Indian War. Of interest in town at 205 North Broadway is the Garst Museum, with period exhibits.

Camp Wayne (2) (1812) was also located in the vicinity.

Fort Jefferson (State Memorial)
(1791, 1793 - 1796), Fort Jefferson FORT WIKI
A square palisade with two blockhouses, built during General St. Clair's campaign. Used as a supply depot by General Wayne in 1793. Excavations in the 1930's revealed the powder magazine foundation and two tunnels. Stone monument (1907) at site.

Fort Black
(1813 - 1815), New Madison
A local militia log blockhouse built to protect the area settlers. The town, originally named Madison until 1831, was founded in 1817.

Camp Wayne (1)
(1793), Butler Township, Darke County
A temporary encampment built by troops under General Wayne in October 1793, located on the north side of the "Maple Swamp".

Camp Maple Swamp
(1791), near Castine
A temporary encampment used during General St. Clair's campaign. Stone monument located on the west side of US 127.

Fort Nesbit
(1813 - 1815), Braffetsville
A local militia stockaded blockhouse, built by Capt. James Nesbit, used as a supply depot. Also spelled Nisbet. The blockhouse was last used as a site for a wedding in 1826. State marker located on Eaton-Fort Nesbit Road.

Fort Brier
(1812), Darke County
A local militia blockhouse. Undetermined location.

Fort St. Clair (Park)
(1791 - 1796), Eaton FORT WIKI
A 120-foot square supply depot built by troops under General Wilkinson. 250 Indians unsuccessfully attacked the fort in November 1792 and only six defenders were killed. The state park, formed in 1923, was transferred to the city in 1992.

Knox Blockhouse
(1794), Preble County
An American military blockhouse. Undetermined location.

Brookville Fort
(1813), Brookville
A local militia blockhouse. Site may be possibly located west of town across the Preble County line.

Fort McKinley
(unknown dates), Fort McKinley
No data.

Dayton Fort (2)
(1812), Dayton
A local militia defense.

Camp Corwin
(1861), Dayton
A Civil War training camp located on a hill two and one-half miles east of downtown.

Calvary Cemetery Indian Fort
(Carillon Historical Park)
(100 BC - 500 AD), Dayton
A 24-acre Hopewell Indian hilltop enclosure above 160-foot high bluffs on the south (or east) bank of the Great Miami River. Most of the enclosure was located in what is now Calvary Cemetery (established 1872) (at Calvary and South Dixie Aves.), which by 1915 was mostly obliterated and levelled as the cemetery expanded. A segment of the north wall still remains about ten yards into the southern section of Carillon Historical Park (private property, public access restricted), along the north boundary of the Cemetery, visible from St. Joseph Drive.

Pollock Earthworks
(Indian Mound Reserve)
(50 AD - 225), Cedarville
A 12-acre Hopewell Indian hilltop enclosure above 15-30-foot high cliffs along Massie Creek. Park operated by Greene County.

Lebanon Fort
(1812), Lebanon
A local militia defense.

Fort Ancient (State Memorial)
(100 BC - 500 AD, 1000 - 1650), Washington Township, Warren County
Hopewell Indian, and later Fort Ancient Indian Culture mounds, located on the Miami River east of Lebanon.

Fort Hamilton (Monument)
(1791, 1793 - 1796 or 1797), Hamilton FORT WIKI
Originally an outpost of Fort Washington, built during General St. Clair's campaign. It was a double-palisaded ditched work with two blockhouses, log barracks, and timber-frame Officers' quarters. It was later dismantled. The settlement was named for the fort in 1803. The magazine was used as the county jail from 1803 to 1809. The Officers' quarters were converted into a tavern. The Butler County Soldiers, Sailors, and Pioneers Monument (1906) is now on the actual site, at 1 South Monument Ave..

Camp Hamilton
(1861 - 1865), Hamilton
A Civil War training camp located at the county fairgrounds.

Camp Colerain
(1861), near Dunlap
A Civil War training camp located about 11 miles from Cincinnati on the Colerain Pike. This was previously the site of a Methodist Church camp.

Fort Harrison
(unknown dates), Harrison
No data.

Miami Indian Fort (1)
(Shawnee Lookout County Park)
(1 AD - 700), near Finney
A 12-acre Hopewell Indian hilltop enclosure with earthen walls 1-12 feet high, reinforced with stone retaining walls. It is 300 feet above the Great Miami River, near the Ohio River.

Fort Finney
(1785 - 1788), near Finney
A Federal fort located at the mouth of the Great Miami River, built to enforce the Treaty of Fort McIntosh that was signed by several Indian tribes at Fort McIntosh, PA in January 1785. The Treaty of Fort Finney was signed in January 1786. The fort was abandoned for Fort Finney, Indiana. Site marked at the entrance to the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Miami Fort Power Plant on Brower Road.

Volunteer Blockhouse
(1789), North Bend
A local militia blockhouse.

Cincinnati Blockhouse (1)
(1778 - 1780), Cincinnati
A British post was here during the American Revolution. It was captured and later destroyed by Patriot forces under George Rogers Clark.

Kingsbury's Blockhouse
(1789), Hamilton County
A local militia blockhouse. Undetermined location.

Fort Washington
(1789 - 1804), Cincinnati FORT WIKI
Only a single stockaded blockhouse was originally built in 1789. By 1790 it was 480-foot square, with five blockhouses. It was once the headquarters for Generals Harmar, St. Clair, and Wayne. Replaced by Newport Barracks across the river in Kentucky. The powder magazine was uncovered in the 1950's. A monument is/was located at 3rd Street and Sycamore Street. In 1998 a new monument was located on Fourth Street at the former Guilford School. Exhibits of the fort are also located at the Cincinnati Museum Center at 1301 Western Ave..

Camp Hobson's Choice (1793), used for Fort Washington's troop overflow, was located near Griffin's Station on the east side of the mouth of Mill Creek.

Fort Miami (4)
(1789 or 1790), near Cincinnati
A temporary Federal fortified encampment located just below the mouth of the Little Miami River, near Columbia Station (1).

Cincinnati Civil War Camps and Defenses
(1861 - 1865), Cincinnati area
Camp Clay (1861), located across from Newport, KY, in what was then called Pendleton. Used for the recruitment of Kentucky troops while that state was still neutral.
Camp Gurley (1861), Cumminsville.
Camp Monroe, undetermined location.
Camp John McLean (1861 - 1862), Wyoming. Site now Camp McLean Memorial Park between Bonham Road and Rolling Hills Drive.
Camp Harrison (2), located at the old Cincinnati Trotting Park, six miles north of town along the Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Dayton Railroad.
Camp Dick Corwine (1861 - 1864), a fortified camp located along present-day Fort View Place on the waterfront.

Mount Adams Battery (1862 - 1864), located near or a part of Camp Corwine, along Fort View Place. No remains, site now residential area.
Butcher's Hill Battery (1862 - 1864), located in what is now Eden Park, opposite Belleview, KY.
Price's Hill Battery (1862 - 1864), located west of Mill Creek past the railroad, facing the Ohio River across from Ludlow, KY. Site now part of Mt. Echo Park.
See also 1862 Siege of Cincinnati from Ohio History
(See also KENTUCKY for Civil War Defenses of Cincinnati.)

Camp Dennison (1)
(1861 - 1865), Camp Dennison
The largest training camp in Ohio during the Civil War, used for infantry, cavalry, and artillery units. The Christian Waldschmidt House (1804) on Glendale Milford Road was used as the camp headquarters. A smaller stone house nearby was used as the camp guardhouse, and is currently the Camp Dennison Civil War Museum. In 1863 troops currently undergoing training helped defend the Little Miami Railroad and Cincinnati from Confederate General John Hunt Morgan and his raiders. Morgan's men captured and destroyed a supply train but failed to destroy an important railroad bridge across the Little Miami River. The name of the town was originally New Germany until shortly after the war. See also History of Indian Hill from the Indian Hill Historical Society
48th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry

Camp Repose
(1862 - 1865), Mount Repose
A Civil War training camp. Also called Camp Shady.

Camp Lucas
(1861), Olive Branch
A Civil War training camp located at the old county fairgrounds.

Fort Salem
(50 BC - 500 AD), Salem Township, Highland County
A Hopewell Indian circular enclosure about 450 feet in diameter surrounding a conjoined mound. Also known as the Workman Earthworks. The 19-acre site along White Oak Creek at 4206 Certier Road was purchased by the Archaeological Conservancy in 2005. Well-preserved, never excavated, open to the public as a day-use park.

Camp Ammen
(1861 - 1864), Ripley
A Civil War training camp at the Ripley Fairgrounds. Also known as Camp Ripley. History and artifacts are at the Ripley Museum at 219 North Second Street (admission fee).

Camp Hamer
(1861 - 1862), West Union
A Civil War training and recruitment camp at the county fairgrounds. The county courthouse was used as the camp hospital.

Fort Hill (1) (State Memorial)
(100 BC - 500 AD), near Lincolnville
Hopewell Indian mounds.

Early Pioneer Settlement Forts of Ohio

Adams County:
Nathaniel Massie's Station (1791 - 1803 ?), Manchester. A stockaded settlement with four blockhouses. It was later renamed Manchester Station. This was the fourth permanent settlement of Ohio.

Butler County:
Bruce's Station (1793), undetermined location.
Campbell's Station (3) (1783), undetermined location.
Freeman's Station (1792), undetermined location.
Gregory's Station (1791), undetermined location.
Morrell's Station (1795), Excello.

Clark County:
Demint's Station (1799), undetermined location.
Riddle's Station (1792), Brighton.

Clermont County:
Paxton's Station (1795), undetermined location.
Wood's and Manning's Stockade (1796), Washington Township.

Clinton County:
Van Meter's Fort (1777), undetermined location. A stockaded settlement.

Darke County:
Conner's Trading Post (1812), undetermined location.
Andrew Norftsinger's Blockhouse (1810), undetermined location.
Rush's Blockhouse (1812), located south of Greenville.
Studabaker's Blockhouse (1812), undetermined location.

Greene County:
Xenia Blockhouse (1797), Xenia.

Hamilton County:
Anderson's Station (1) (1790), Andersons Ferry.
Beasley's Station (1792), undetermined location.
James Carpenter's Station (1793), undetermined location.
Cincinnati Blockhouse (2) (1784), Cincinnati.
Clement's Station (1789), Terrace Park. Also known as Round Bottom Station.
Cleves Stockade (1789), Cleves. (same as below ?)
Cleves Station (1790), Cleves. A blockhouse was later built for added protection.
Coleman's Mill Station (1791), undetermined location.
Columbia Station (1) (1788), near the mouth of the Little Miami River. Built by Benjamin Stites. Completely flooded in January 1789.
Abram Covalt's Station (1790), Newtown or Bethany Town. A 20-man detachment from Fort Washington was garrisoned here in 1791.
Cunningham's Station (1) (1790), undetermined location.
Daraugh's Station (1792), undetermined location.
John Dunlap's Station (1790), Dunlap. Also known as Coleraine Station. Held off an Indian attack in December 1790.
Dunn's Blockhouse (2) (1793), undetermined location.
Dunn's Station (1) (1793), undetermined location.
William Flinn's Blockhouse (1785 ?), Linwood at Turkey Bottom on the road between Miami Fort (5) and Whickerham's Station. Stockaded in 1791. Also spelled Flynn.
Frazee's Station (1793), undetermined location.
William Gerard's Station (1790 - 1820's), near Terrace Park, on the east bank of the Little Miami River. The main house was later rebuilt with stone, and had served as a private residence until 1902.
David Griffin's Station (1792), near Carthage, located near or in Caldwell Park on the east bank of Mill Creek.
Hayes' Station (1791), undetermined location.
Howell's Blockhouse (1790), undetermined location. A hexagonal blockhouse.
Keen's Station (1795), undetermined location.
Kemper's Station (1793), undetermined location.
Losantiville Station (1788 - 1795 ?), Cincinnati, located at the present-day site of the Great American Ball Park's main parking lot. Built by Daniel, John, William, and Zachariah Hole, all brothers. The brothers later relocated to Miamisburg after 1795.
Luce's Blockhouse (1789), North Bend.
Israel Ludlow's Station (1790), Cumminsville. Located on the west bank of Mill Creek, it was an important post on the military road connecting Forts Hamilton and Washington. It was used in General St. Clair's failed campaign of 1791. Monument located at Knowlton and Mad Anthony Streets.
McFarland's Station (1794), Pleasant Ridge area of Cincinnati.
McHenry's Station (1790), Cumminsville.
Mercer's Station (1792), Newtown.
Miami Fort (3) (1788), a settlers' stockade located on the Little Miami River above Columbia Station (1).
Mill Creek Blockhouse (1) (1790), Cumminsville. (same as Ludlow's Station listed above ?)
Nelson's Station (1792), Madisonville.
North Bend Station (1789), North Bend.
Pleasant Valley Stockade (1794), Woodlawn.
Red Bank Station (1791), Madisonville.
Runyon's Station (1792), north of Sharonville.
Sixteen Corner Blockhouse (1790), undetermined location.
South Bend Station (1790), located between North Bend and Andersons Ferry.
Sugar Camp Station (1789), Shawnee Lookout.
John Symmes' Station (1789), North Bend.
Tucker's Stockade (1792), Woodlawn.
Turkey Bottom Blockhouse (1791), Linwood. (same as Flinn's Blockhouse listed above ?)
Vanvorhee's Stockade (1794), Reading.
Whickerham's Station (1790), Mt. Washington.
Capt. Jacob White's Station (1789), Carthage, a stockade built on an old Indian trail that led to the mouth of the Little Miami River. Attacked by Indians in August 1793, but held.

Miami County:
Dutch Station (1798 - 1800 ?), near Staunton ?. Built by John Knoop.
Dye Stone Blockhouse (1812), Troy. Built by John Minor. Located on South Children's Home Road.
Hilliard's Blockhouse (1812), Spring Creek Township. Used as a barn after the war.
Hunter's Blockhouse (1812), undetermined location.
Kiser's Blockhouse (1812), Brown Township.
Livingston Stockade (1799), near Tipp City.
Pan Handle Depot Stockade (1794), Covington.
Perry's Blockhouse (1812), Turk's Hill.
Rogers' Blockhouse (1812), undetermined location.
John Simmons' Blockhouse (1812), Brown Township ? Not a true blockhouse but simply a log cabin.
Thomas' Blockhouse (1812), undetermined location.
Williams' Blockhouse (1) (1812), undetermined location.

Montgomery County:
Cribb's Station (1799), undetermined location.
Dayton Blockhouse (1) (1796), Dayton.
Germantown Stockade (1812), Germantown.
Hole's Station (1795 - 1800's), Miamisburg. Built by the Hole brothers (see Losantiville Station listed above). Later became the Gebhart's Tavern in the 1800's. (thanks to Michael Fromholt for location)

Warren County:
William Beedle's Station (1795), Beedles Station.
Deerfield Stockade (1796), Deerfield Township.
Franklin Stockade (2) (1796), Franklin.
William Mount's Station (1795), Stubbs Mills, on the south bank of the Little Miami River.
Springboro Stockade (1796), Springboro.
Union Village Station (1795), near Monroe.

NEED MORE INFO: Fort Harrison in Harrison in Hamilton County.
Towns: Fort McKinley just northwest of Dayton.

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Greater Toledo Area - page 5

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Eastern Forts